On Saturday, 28 May 2022,  19 members of the Windellama brigade  received The National Emergency  Medal for all the hard work that was achieved during the bushfires in 2019/20. The 19 members of the Windellama Brigade added in putting over 500 hours on the fire ground.

Living in Oallen we soon found ourselves with fires to all sides of us. Although we could move a few of the animals we could not move them all (for a number of different reasons),   and we found ourselves in a  “Stay and Fight” situation.
Having an approaching fire is extremely stressful for animals and the need for a containment area is a high-priority for them. To minimise the risk of full on bushfires make sure you have cleared land around the containment area.
We cannot express how important it is to have your property prepared for fire season for the safety of your selves and the animals.
If you are unsure contact your local Fire Brigade. If you are a sanctuary we are willing to come and share the volume of knowledge that we gained, not only at Peanuts sanctuary but while fighting on the fire front.
Photo below left to right Brett, Paul, Brendan, Micheal and myself. A few that I am very proud to stand next too.

National Emergency Medal

National Emergency Medal  Micheal

National Emergency Medal Tracey